Hit Factor Training & Consulting
perform on demand
About Hit Factor Training
Dan McGraw is the owner and primary instructor for Hit Factor Training, LLC, a firearms training and consulting company located in Okaloosa County, Florida. He is an avid competitor, classified Master in Carry Optics and Production Division in USPSA, and is a recipient of the US Army’s Excellence in Competition – Pistol badge. He is also a certified NRA instructor.
“Dan simplified seemingly abstract shooting concepts into practical tips that could be learned and applied in the course of a single range session.”
– Blake S.
“Dan’s patience, knowledge, and instructing style has turned me into a better shooter. I placed top 15 at my first USPSA competition. I also took all his teachings and used them down range; coming home safely. I take every chance I can to shoot with him. He knows not just how to set up drills and run a good range, but what drills to run to fix whatever issue it is you’re having.”
– Carlos F.